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//! A lightweight, extensible, and customizable peer-to-peer (p2p) network stack.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! use easy_parallel::Parallel;
//! use smol::{future, Executor};
//! use karyon_p2p::{Backend, Config, PeerID, keypair::{KeyPair, KeyPairType}};
//! // Generate a new keypair for the peer
//! let key_pair = KeyPair::generate(&KeyPairType::Ed25519);
//! // Create the configuration for the backend.
//! let mut config = Config::default();
//! // Create a new Executor
//! let ex = Arc::new(Executor::new());
//! // Create a new Backend
//! let backend = Backend::new(&key_pair, config, ex.clone().into());
//! let task = async {
//! // Run the backend
//! backend.run()
//! .await
//! .expect("start the backend");
//! // ....
//! // Shutdown the backend
//! backend.shutdown().await;
//! };
//! future::block_on(ex.run(task));
//! ```
mod backend;
mod codec;
mod config;
mod conn_queue;
mod connection;
mod connector;
mod discovery;
mod error;
mod listener;
mod message;
mod peer;
mod peer_pool;
mod protocols;
mod routing_table;
mod slots;
mod tls_config;
mod version;
/// Responsible for network and system monitoring.
/// [`Read More`](./monitor/struct.Monitor.html)
pub mod monitor;
/// Defines the protocol trait.
/// [`Read More`](./protocol/trait.Protocol.html)
pub mod protocol;
pub use backend::Backend;
pub use config::Config;
pub use peer::{Peer, PeerID};
pub use version::Version;
pub mod endpoint {
pub use karyon_net::{Addr, Endpoint, Port};
pub mod keypair {
pub use karyon_core::crypto::{KeyPair, KeyPairType, PublicKey, SecretKey};
pub use error::{Error, Result};
type ListenerRef = karyon_net::Listener<message::NetMsg, Error>;
type ConnRef = karyon_net::Conn<message::NetMsg, Error>;