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use std::result::Result;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use crate::Endpoint;
/// Alias for `Box<dyn Connection>`
pub type Conn<C, E> = Box<dyn Connection<Message = C, Error = E>>;
/// A trait for objects which can be converted to [`Conn`].
pub trait ToConn {
type Message;
type Error;
fn to_conn(self) -> Conn<Self::Message, Self::Error>;
/// Connection is a generic network connection interface for
/// [`udp::UdpConn`], [`tcp::TcpConn`], [`tls::TlsConn`], [`ws::WsConn`],
/// and [`unix::UnixConn`].
/// If you are familiar with the Go language, this is similar to the
/// [Conn](https://pkg.go.dev/net#Conn) interface
pub trait Connection: Send + Sync {
type Message;
type Error;
/// Returns the remote peer endpoint of this connection
fn peer_endpoint(&self) -> Result<Endpoint, Self::Error>;
/// Returns the local socket endpoint of this connection
fn local_endpoint(&self) -> Result<Endpoint, Self::Error>;
/// Recvs data from this connection.
async fn recv(&self) -> Result<Self::Message, Self::Error>;
/// Sends data to this connection
async fn send(&self, msg: Self::Message) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;